Map Showing What People in Each State Hate

Unusual Maps That Provide Little-Known Facts About America

Most people use maps to find roads, rivers, and other geographical locations. But have you ever seen a map of climate disasters? What about the most effective driving route to reach all towns called Springfield? Unusual maps, created by both government agencies and bored internet users, display little-known facts about the U.S. You might be surprised by what you see.

Which State Produces Which Food

A USDA map depicts which states produce which food.

Have you ever questioned which state produces the food you eat? In 2014, the USDA released a map that portrayed where most U.S. foods come from.

Most of the United States's food comes from five states: Minnesota, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and California. California harvests 100% of the country's strawberries, and Maine grows all of the country's blueberries.

Coming up: the states that the rest of the country despises.

U.S. Population By Lines

A map shows the U.S. population through raised lines.

In 2019, a Redditor decided to portray the American population in a unique way. They created a map with 3D lines; the longer the lines, the higher the population.

According to the NOAA, most of the population lives along the coasts. The most populated states are California, New York, and Florida.

Most-Searched States…In Each State

A map shows the most searched states in each state (excluding itself).

Have you ever googled a different state than the one you live in? Google Trends released these searches for each state between January 2020 and February 2021.

Many states googled their neighbor; you'll notice that Nevada and New Mexico googled California. But others looked up states that are thousands of miles away, such as Alaska googling Texas.

Every State's Least Favorite State

A map portrays which states hate which state.

Yikes! A 2020 survey revealed which states hate which state. You might notice that Floridians hate Florida. They are the only population that dislikes their own state.

All of California's neighbors seem to despise California. Also, residents of North Carolina and South Carolina seem to hate each other. Overall, California and Texas are the least popular.

Soon, you'll learn how many states have a lower population than Los Angeles County.

Every State's Climate Disasters

A map from the NOAA portrays the most likely weather disasters across the United States.

If you live in the United States, you're likely familiar with the potential weather disasters of your state. But what about other states?

In 2020, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) portrayed the most likely climate disaster in every state. In a single year, the United States spent over $1 billion repairing damage from weather.

States With A Smaller Population Than L.A. County

This map shows all of the states with a lower population than L.A. county.

In 2019, Los Angeles County in California housed over 10 million residents. This map shows all of the states that have a lower population than that one county.

Although California is the third-largest state, it is also the most populated with over 39 million residents. Most live in either the southern or northern counties.

How much snow do you need to cancel school? To find out, keep reading.

The Most Effective Routes To All Springfields In The U.S.

A map shows the most effective route to reach all Springfields in the U.S.

Did you know that there are 45 towns called "Springfield" in the U.S.? With this road map, you can visit every Springfield throughout the country.

The route stretches from Springfield, California all the way to Springfield, New York. Some states have multiple Springfields, such as Indiana, Virginia, and Wisconsin. There's a high chance that you might meet someone from Springfield.

How Much Snow It Requires To Cancel School

A map portrays how many inches of snow states require to cancel school.

Are you praying for a day off in winter? Then check this map from Unofficial Networks. It displays how much snow each state requires to cancel school, on average.

Obviously, states with a high amount of snow need more to cancel classes. But states with little to no snow–including Florida, Texas, and California–need any amount, period.

Up next: the cities where you are most likely to survive a nuclear apocalypse.

All Of The Trees In The United States

A map shows the amount of dense forests throughout the United States.

In 2014, the National Land Cover Database released a map that displays where all of the trees are in the United States. Green areas include dense forests, while white areas have a sparse amount of trees.

By 2015, America had more trees than it did 100 years ago thanks to conservation efforts. The numbers might vary now.

The Most Likely Places To Survive A Nuclear Attack

A map shows the top ten cities in the U.S. where people are most likely to survive a nuclear apocalypse.

If you're worried about a future nuclear apocalypse, look no further than This website compiled a list of cities where residents are most likely to survive. These cities were ranked based on the number of bunkers and fallout shelters.

These top ten cities also have some of the easiest access to clean water, electricity, food, and healthcare.

If you want to know the most common surnames in the U.S., keep reading.

How To Spell Certain Words

A map from Google shows the most

In 2020, Google Trends examined the search results for "how do you spell ____" in each state. If you're wondering which words your fellow citizens struggle to spell, check this map.

Most words were at least ten letters long, such as "beautiful" and "quarantine." Kansas, Kentucky, and Vermont wanted to know how to spell four-letter words.

Most Common Surnames By State

A map shows most popular surnames in every U.S. state.

In 2019, a Redditor created a map with the most popular surnames by state. As it turns out, "John Smith" is a common name if you live in middle America or the east coast.

California and New Mexico both have Spanish surnames due to their proximity to Mexico. Meanwhile, Lee in Hawaii could be Chinese, Korean, or English.

Stay tuned to learn which state residents desperately want to leave.

Each State's Favorite Pie

On Pi Day (3/14) in 2021, Google Trends released a map of Google searches with each state's top pie search. What is your state's favorite pie?

Each color depicts a different flavor of pie. Red is fruit, green is custard, blue is savory, yellow is chocolate and nuts, and grey is other.

Residents' Desire To Move Out Of State

A map shows resident's desire to move out by each state.

In 2020, Gallup, Inc. published a map of residents' desire to move out of their home states. States with lighter colors have the lowest desire to move.

This data might have changed after the pandemic. According to the National Association of Realtors, the states that most people leave include New York, New Jersey, Louisiana, and Illinois. New Hampshire residents have the lowest desire to move.

Coming soon: the country's loudest cities.

The Percentage Of American Citizens Without Health Insurance

A map from the CDC shows how many Americans do not have health insurance.

In 2018, the U.S. Census Bureau published a map with the percentage of Americans who do not have health insurance. The highest percentages (and darkest color) were between 15.8% and 32.2%.

Oklahoma and Texas have the highest number of uninsured residents, while Northeastern states like New York and Massachusetts are the most insured.

How Many Residents Were Born Outside The U.S.

A map shows what percentage of state residents were born out of the U.S.

In 2017, the U.S. Census Bureau calculated how many American residents were born outside of the U.S. The results are listed by state.

The darker blue states have a higher immigrant population. Most are on the coast or on the border of Mexico or Canada. According to Pew Research, 13.7% of the U.S. population was born in another country.

The Birthplaces Of Foreign-Born Residents, Excluding Mexico

A map shows the most common immigrants in each state, excluding Mexico.

Many American citizens were not born in the country. This map shows the most common birthplaces outside of the United States and Mexico (which would overtake the entire map).

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, most immigrants come from India. Canadians and Filipinos also make up a large percentage of Americans with dual citizenship.

The Country's Loudest Cities

A map portrays the loudest and quietest areas in the continental United States.

In 2015, the National Park Service released a map with the loudest and quietest spots in the continental U.S. Lighter spots are louder, and darker are quieter.

Loud areas, which are usually cities, push away local wildlife. It can also harm residents' hearing over time, in the same way that smog affects vision.

To see the average size of apartments in several U.S. states, stay tuned.

Map Of Super Bowl Snacks

A Google map of America shows the most popular game day foods in each state.

What do Americans eat while watching the Super Bowl? Google Trends looked up America's favorite game day foods in 2021.

Chips and chicken with dip were the most popular. The second most popular was main dishes such as tri-tip steak, tacos, and sandwiches. Appetizers like sliders and pigs in a blanket were also widely googled.

How Many People Say The Word "Dang"

A map shows the amount of people who say

Have you ever said "dang"? According to this map, residents of the southeast United States are far more likely to say it.

Meanwhile, people in the northeast and west tend to not say "dang," at least not as often. What do they say instead? The map does not explain, unfortunately.

Most Spoken Languages Besides English And Spanish

A map shows the most common languages spoken in each state besides English and Spanish.

English and Spanish are the most common languages in the U.S., but what other languages are there? According to this 2015 map by Slate, German and Vietnamese are some of the most common languages.

French, Portuguese, and Italian also seem to be common languages, especially in the south and on the east coast.

The Average Size Of American Apartments

A map shows the average size of apartments by region.

If you want to live in a large apartment, check this map to see which state has the largest. These are averages, and they do not include price.

According to the map, which was updated in 2020, the largest apartments are in the southeast. California has the smallest apartments and also the most expensive, with an average rent of $1,901 per month.

Up next: you might see your favorite Christmas movie on this map.

How America Uses Its Land

A map shows how America uses its land.

This Bloomberg map from 2018 explains how America utilizes its land. All of the businesses included are ones that supply the rest of the country, from agriculture to timber to housing.

The west coast focuses on timber, while middle America is devoted to agriculture and livestock. Most housing supplies seem to come from the northeast.

The Most Popular Christmas Movies

What is your favorite Christmas movie? According to this Google Trends map, most Americans enjoy The Polar Express (red).

The second most popular seems to be Elf (green). National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (yellow), A Christmas Story (purple), and Love Actually (blue) follow suit. At least, these were the most googled Christmas movies in 2017.

Soon: what each state's name means when translated literally.

Light Population Across The U.S. States

A map shows light pollution across the United States.

This 2015 map shows light pollution across the United States. The more artificial light, the fewer people are able to see the stars. Light pollution is also a risk factor for cancer, according to the Department of Physics at Florida Atlantic University.

The eastern side of the United States has far more light pollution, possibly because immigrants inhabited those states first.

Literally Translated States Names

A map shows what each state's name means.

Have you ever wondered where states got their names? Some were a combination of misspelling and miscommunications between languages. Others were named after the region's natives, and some were named after British royalty and explorers.

The travel blog Expedia put all of these meanings on a map. What is your state's literally translated name?

Continue reading if you want to learn how many people say the word "dang."

The Most Visited Coffee Chains In Each State

A map portrays the most popular coffee chain in every state.

This not-so-colorful map represents the most popular coffee chains in every state. Unsurprisingly, Starbucks, the largest coffee chain in the world, makes up most states.

The second most popular is Dunkin' Donuts. Of the 11,300 Dunkin' restaurants worldwide, over 8,500 are in the U.S. Only Minnesota prefers Caribou, which was founded in that same state.

How To Grill Certain Foods

In January 2020, Google Trends released data on the most searched grilled foods. Residents of each state googled "how to grill" a different food.

Corn and chicken were most popular in the central states. The west coast was interested in steak, while the east coast residents were curious about fish.

The Portion Of Federal Land In Each State

A map shows how much federal land is in each state.

In 2018, the U.S. General Services Administration calculated how much federal land is in every state. The federal government owns 28% of all land in the United States.

Most federal land is used for conservation of nature and wildlife. You might notice that the western states, which have dozens of national parks, have the most federal land.

The Most-Searched BBQ Sauces

A map shows the most-googled bbq sauces in each state.

In this Google Trends map, the website found the most-searched BBQ sauces in every state. Red states are traditional BBQ sauces, while Southern sauces are yellow (conveniently in the southeastern states).

Most states googled homemade BBQ sauce, but several looked up healthy alternatives. Keto sauce was commonly googled in New Mexico, Oregon, Washington, Missouri, and Virginia.

Map Showing What People in Each State Hate


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