Dragon Age Origins Wonders of Thedas Screen Black
Posted 07 December 2013 - 12:04 AM
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Alright, so my game has run smoothly on higher settings up until this one point. I have a few mods installed, but aside from like one; small problem or two that are purley aesthetic they haven't negatively affected the way my game is running.
The mods I am using are:
Dragon Age Redesigned Version 7.3d
Improved Atmoshpere
More_Hairstyles (For Redesigned)
Bidelle's Cosmetics (For Redesigned)
Pinappletree's Vibrant Colors 1_31 (For Redesigned)
Dracomies True Textures (For Redeisgned)
These mods run, from my experience, very well together with little to no problems with each other. But I'm unsure of if the problem is rooted in the mods or simply some sort of bug. From what I've seen it's a very frequent issue for the many people for their game to crash in Denerim. I've even changed my CPU Affinity to only one core and such through editing the shortcut. This seemed to solve the problem for a short time, but the moment I crossed that particular place it crashed once more.
My game crashes in the Market the very moment I step in to the path in front of the Gnawed Noble Tavern. Changing the affinity fixed the issue for the first pass, and everything was fine even after the battle with Landry; it wasn't until I walked in to the Wonders of Thedas shop and exited that the issue recurred.
I am more than willing to give anymore information on this that is needed, I'm desperate to find SOME kind of fix for this nasty problem. Thus far, it is literally the only place in the game that this crash occurs.
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Posted 07 December 2013 - 12:33 PM
Have you tried changing the Video options to set them to the lowest possible ones (including "Resolution") and clearing the "Play in full-screen mode" check box?
I've heard people have had success avoiding this kind of CtD using this technique.
Once you get past the crash point (often associated with a particular sound effect) you can return everything to normal.
See also: Denerim Market Crashin' My Game.
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Posted 05 February 2015 - 03:04 AM
Hi, i am very sorry for the late reply/thread necro, but i just ran into this problem while during a trilogy playthrough. I also have Improved Atmosphere installed and that seems to be the culprit (as read on other forums). Uninstalling can cause a load of other problems, but i may have found a workaround (not for the crashes itself though, just save often... ) Load a save game from before Denerim (or outside of) Market and then load the actual game you want to load. That seems to solve the save game crashes at least and lets you play for a little bit. Then, as i said, save often (before speaking with anybody important, before approaching the market center), and upon the next crash do the workaround above.
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Posted 05 February 2015 - 10:53 AM
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Best fix for game crashing at Denerim Market
@DOA launcher settings:
Graphics Settings: High,
Texture Detail: Low ,
Unsummon extra Dog Mod)
Other settings default:
OFF>Anti Aliasing, (all texture improving MODs instructs AA to remain OFF for mod to work)
Checked>Play in Full-Screen,
Not checked>Vertical Sync,
Not checked> Disable Multi Render,
Not checked> Disable Aspect-Ratio,
Not checked > Intro Movies.
Keep your default screen resolution.
I did about 90 mins of testing using process of elimination and this is my optimal result. Balancing graphics emersion vs game stability. IMPORTANT Only use these setting when player is doing quests in those two areas only, otherwise MAXIMUM graphics settings for the rest of the game.
Why is this happening?? why consistently failing only at Denerim Market?
My guess? There's some type of flaw somewhere between how the game was optimized in this particular level only. Notice right before the game crashes to desktop, notice the NPC or random objects from environment presenting missing + flickering textures, odd looking & low resolution objects etc?
I believe this happened because the game didn't properly load all the information it needs to build the world. Or in this case it built a bugged Denerim Market and if you see these textures doing odd behaviors, then your game will eventually crash at any moment. Sometimes you don't even see any graphical flaws but the game still crashes.. that's true.
With the testing I've done, I can say the problem goes away when you lower the texture detail to low.
This allows the game to load a much smaller patch of information and builds the Market world with all its pieces complete.
Yes DAO has some memory leaking problem in the past it could be related? IDK all I do know is Denerim Market will fail to load all the HD textures from MODs unless user downgrades texture detail to low.
It doesn't matter how kick ass your PC specs are...it will still crash... its totally unrelated to the fault under the hood of the game engine its self during loading of Denerim Market.
Im honest enough to consider my explanation is full of crap and you're probably right... one thing I do know and what worked for me was the settings above.
after you've finisihed questing in Denerim, revert settings back to
Graphical Settings: Highest
Texture Detail: High
to take full advantage of glorious enhancements from various Mods in Nexus.
Edited by tororosso1, 05 February 2015 - 11:06 AM.
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Posted 05 December 2015 - 01:52 AM
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Thanks tororosso1, that worked for me.
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Posted 05 December 2015 - 01:04 PM
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Old hand
Warning for others - this does NOT always work.
Some mods (note that the Original Poster listed mods) override core resources and can cause the game to crash at this point.
If you do not have your game (Ultimate Edition is the only one that I can speak for), the game can also CTD in Denerim without ANY mods installed.
I certainly suggest trying torrorosso1's solution, but be aware that these settings are not the only reason that the game can CTD in Denerim
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Posted 01 January 2016 - 01:29 PM
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I just ran into the exact same problem in denerim. except with me the crash would either happen upon entering the market district from either a store or coming back from the pearl or abandoned house etc. or if I loaded a save inside the market district.
I can however go into the market district from camp and other places on the world map. and I can load a save provided I load another first.
But I want to point out that I had none of these problems until now and im 50 hours into the game. I experimented with several different saves and I think I have isolated the bug to when I completed the "paragon of her kind" quest.
This is the first main quest I have completed and I'm pretty confident that basically taking the main story to the point where lothering is destroyed and the blight has spread is what set off the bug. There are a lot of changes that happen all over the game (especially denerim) after lothering is destroyed and im putting my money on that being where the bug is.
Also I want to point out that while I am using a TON of mods, improved atmospheres actually was not one of them. also when I was experimenting with my before and after "lothering destroyed" saves, I disabled NONE of those mods and the CTD was not happening. ok it did crash SOMETIMES but it wasn't so bad that I couldn't load a save in denerim or walk in and out of a store.
I hope this points somebody in the right direction of coming up with a real fix to this highly annoying and almost game ruining bug.
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Posted 02 January 2016 - 04:27 AM
Yep... Mods can cause problems. And in DA:O, especially when entering the Denerim Market.
Caveat Lusor!
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Posted 03 January 2016 - 06:22 PM
The Denerim Market is definitely the most CTD prone area of the game. Something about the design of that map.
I remember playing an unmodded 1.04 campaign a long time ago, on an old PC that didn't even run the highest graphic settings, and the game would somtimes CTD there during the Origin campaign, as well as the Darkspawn Chronicles DLC version of that map.
I wasn't using the 4 GB patch at the time though (because that PC didn't even have 4 GB ram....). Try that if you haven't.
Save often when in Denerim....
Edited by ripple, 03 January 2016 - 10:04 PM.
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Posted 03 January 2016 - 07:48 PM
Someone (and I wish I could remember who, so I could ask for more information) told me that the Denerim market map is crash-y due to a large number of scripts and plot/conditional checks kicking in every time the area is entered.
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Dragon Age Origins Wonders of Thedas Screen Black
Source: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1251077-game-crashes-at-specific-point-in-the-denerim-market/
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